Friday, November 22, 2013

take control

158 views after my first week. Not bad for a beginner. Hopefully I get to start posting more than once a week. Depends on how interested everyone is I guess. As far as an update on me I decided enough was enough with a doctor who wont do anything to help me and my thyroid because the main level they check is fine (although the other levels are off and I have a list of symptoms.) I went to my regular doctor and she is sending me for an ultrasound of my thyroid in case it is something else and then to see a new endocrinologist. Sometimes you have to do your research and become knowledgeable about your conditions and go with what your gut is telling you. I wasted enough time waiting for things to get better when evidently something else is going on. My advice to you is to take control of your own health. I mean that in every way. Learn about your conditions, eat healthy and remember your doctor doesn't know everything.

Anyways I wrote down a list of topics to post about recipes, exercises, before pics, etc. Any suggestions or questions just let me know.

I get a lot of questions as far as eating out, exercises and recipes. For the most part with all the pain issues I have had walking has been a major factor in my weight loss. YES, walking! For a long time that was all I could do and then after the wreck I could barely do that but I still did it and I kept losing weight all along. Before my energy levels so drastically dropped I was doing all kinds of things at the gym. My main focus has always been cardio. I will walk outside, use the treadmill or elliptical. Once I was able I started on weights doing all that I could. I also found all kind of exercises on pinterest that I try to do. Feel free to check out my pinterest page with those workouts and as well as recipes. As far as eating out it is just about being aware of what you are eating. I chose not to eat out for a year. I had no desire to do it and felt no need to do so. I finally ate out a couple of times and it really wasn’t worth it. I can make something just as good and better for you at home. If you are going to eat out just make wise decisions. Its all up to you.

Here are a couple of before pictures. They are both with my favorite group The Band Perry. I HOPE one day when I am finished to get an after picture. That would be amazing.

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